Blood Sugar Chart, Ideal Sugar Levels for Adults, Children, Symptoms

If you are a healthy person, then tell your normal blood sugar level from the Blood Sugar Chart that it ranges from 90 to 100 ml/dL. To have a normal blood sugar level, you have to keep your diet and lifestyle disciplined; only then can your sugar level be normal. By the way, let us tell you here that you should manage your blood sugar level according to your age. Any kind of increase or decrease under the Blood Sugar Chart can spoil your health. That’s why you need to get all the updates regarding your blood sugar chart; for this, you will get the necessary information in this article of ours.

Blood Sugar Chart

Diabetes is such a disease that when it develops in your body, you do not even have a clue about it. By the way, you yourself are responsible for this disease. It is like this nowadays; your eating lifestyle is bad. And increasing stress is unknowingly pushing you into the terrible pit of diabetes.

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According to the information received from the Blood Sugar Chart, you do not get diabetes immediately, but it spreads slowly due to your years of bad eating habits and changing lifestyle. Now you need to know that if you do not want to get trapped in this pit, then you should follow the Blood Sugar Chart plan, that is, you should beat sugar by changing your diet and lifestyle.

Blood Sugar Chart Overview


Article Title  Blood Sugar Chart
Normal blood sugar level 90 to 120 mg/dL
Till 6 years child Blood Sugar Level  80 to 200 mg/dL
6 to 12 years old children BSL 80 to 180 mg/dL
For young 70 to 150 mg/dL
More than 20 years old  70 to 100 mg/dL


Sugar Level Normal Range

Many people are worried about how slowly diabetes develops in the body and what the symptoms are. How to know if the sugar level is low or high in the blood: here we want to make it clear to all the readers that if you feel excessively thirsty or hungry, your throat starts drying up, and you do not heal your wounds quickly, again and again, If your urine is discharged, then understand that your sugar level is not in the normal range; that is, all these symptoms are visible inside you when diabetes and blood sugar are high. 


Blood Sugar Chart
Blood Sugar Chart


A blood sugar chart is the only way by which every human being can get rid of diseases like diabetes by identifying these symptoms, getting the blood sugar checked, and keeping the sugar level in the normal range.


Age Till 6 years old BSL 6 to 12 years BSL 13 to 19 years Old BSL
Fasting blood Sugar 80 to 180 mg/dL 80 to 180 mg/dL 70 to 150 mg/dL
Before Meal BSL 100 to 180 mg/dL 90 to 180 mg/dL 90 to 130 mg/dL
After 1 to 2 hours Blood Sugar Level 180 mg/dL 140 mg/dL 140 mg/dL
At Sleeping Time BSL 110 to 200 mg/dL 100 to 180 mg/dL 90 to 150 mg/dL


Blood Sugar Chart Se Diabetes Management

You must get ground-level information about your blood sugar level because the more you take care of diabetes and work to lead a healthy life, the better. For this, you have to pay attention to the blood sugar chart.Se Diabetes Management and You will have to make a blood sugar level table in which you will include three or four blood sugar level readings every day so that you can get information about the movement of high and low levels of sugar in your body. 

The blood sugar chart is the only medium through which you can get instant information about diabetes in your body. You should test first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and also test your sugar level after a meal. You should evaluate your pattern every week by observing the time of high level and the time of low level.

Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment

Actually, we want to make it clear to you here that you get three levels of diabetes: the first is the initial level of diabetes, and the third is established diabetes. You can also do blood sugar tests in three ways with the help of your Blood Sugar chart: fasting 2 hours after a meal and a glucose tolerance test. 

As far as pregnant women are concerned, the glucose tolerance test is ineffective for them. The main reason for this is that it comes to the fore due to the unbalanced measurement of hormones in women during pregnancy, but after having a child, it automatically gets cured.

Blood Sugar Chart in Hindi

The treatment of diabetes depends on how well you have the ability to control the sugar. First of all, you have to make a list regarding a Blood Sugar Chart in Hindi, in which you have to enter the sugar readings regularly. It Will happen and will have to be classified. With the help of the blood sugar chart, you will notice after some time that a map has started growing in front of you. 

On the map, you will see a line sometimes going upwards and sometimes downwards. How are you able to control the ups and downs? If you want, you are controlling the ups and downs in blood circulation according to your proper eating habits, light exercise, and medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Blood Glucose (Sugar) Test

We can call glucose a very simple sugar. Whatever has been considered the main molecule providing energy in vegetation and the world If the sugar in your blood becomes unbalanced, then you develop complex diseases like heart disease, kidney disease, and blindness. 

The blood glucose (Sugar) Test is very important for this type of disease as it increases the concentration of glucose in your blood, which makes the patient faint. To balance this type of disease, an important chemical element called insulin is produced by the pancreas, i.e., the digestive gland, and balances the amount of blood sugar in the body.

Blood Sugar Levels Normal Low and High

You should consult a doctor to check the sugar in the blood; even if the amount of sugar in your own blood comes to 200 mg/dL, you should consult a doctor to control it. Is good. You should try your best not to let your blood sugar level go above 200 mg/dL; if it goes above 300 mg/dL, then it is very dangerous for you. You can follow the rules prescribed by the doctor to check your blood sugar levels (normal, low, and high).

FAQs Related Blood Sugar Chart

According to the Blood Sugar Chart, what is the normal sugar level?

Doctors consider a normal blood sugar level to be 80–130 mg/dL.

What problems arise when there is an increase in blood sugar?

Due to an increase in blood sugar, headaches, fatigue, tiredness in hands and legs, excessive hunger and thirst, dry mouth, blurred vision, and problems related to urine come to the fore.

What is the best cure for sugar?

The best cure for sugar is the consumption of sprouted fenugreek, bitter gourd, cucumber, and tomato juice, and keeping the body active is the only cure for sugar.

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